Frequently Asked Questions

Find the answers to the most frequently asked questions below

Is adding a secret message free?

Absolutely! We want you to express your feelings for free. There is also no limit to adding secret messages so post all you want on our freedom wall.

How can we add a secret message to this online freedom wall?

You may click this link Post a Secret Message or the Post a Secret button in the navigation panel.

Who can post on the freedom wall?

Anyone can post on the freedom wall. But please be aware of your language. We also filter profanity to clean up foul language on the website to improve your browsing experience.

Who can see my secret message?

Anyone can see your secret message. All posts are public, but they are anonymous. No one will know who wrote messages on the freedom wall.

How long does it take to add my secret message on the online freedom wall?

In just a second! We make sure to give excellent service to you.

Can I edit or remove my secret message?

Unfortunately no. It is added permanently to our storage once added.